
Monday, July 19, 2010

It's about fucking time!!!

I can't believe I'm going to officially be a blogger. Instead of fucking around with a design or two, I'm actually going to be submitting posts!

Let's start off with the first order of business. this is going to be the last time i'm incorporating punctuation and capitalization! too much of a pain in the ass! if i remember it, fine. if not, fine too. basically.....i'm the fucking boss.  i refuse to be censored in my own creation just for the sake of being politically correct. i dont care how many readers i have....i need a space to vent. i can pick and choose who subscribes to this blog and if you are supposed to be seeing what i write, then you will. if not....fuck you...get the fuck away from me! and i KNOW you know who you are....fucking pussy! get the fuck out!

do i sound bitter? you betchoor fucking ass i am !!!!! i fucking hate liars and i especially hate ppl who say they hate liars and then turn out to be liars themselves. they are the same ppl that accuse others of being liars and they try to make shit up about them...try to pin bullshit on them and it won't stick of course because its fabricated bullshit. my theory? they are only trying to make themselves feel better! by blaming others, they can redeem themselves ..... oh yeah huh! not even so get the fuck out! you wish you could be redeemed.....there's nothing you can do now muther fucker!

oh yeah! the name...."AS THE SHIT HITS THE FAN"? I was 18, working at a mexican restaurant in a suburb of Detroit. Anyway, we were standing around at the beginning of our shift...waiting for customers to come in for lunch and one of the girls asked everybody what soap opera title would be given to each of our lives. Little did i know at the choice was all too perfect. i've regretted it ever since!!!

well, maybe that is a little harsh, but sometimes i wonder if i'd chosen something like "abiding delight"....would my life have taken a different path all those years ago? I doubt it. I don't think it makes a difference...just like it doesn't really make a difference if anyone is in the forest when a tree makes noise regardless!

So for those of you interested and welcome....hang on tight....there's a lot of issues to discuss and a lot of therapy to be had!

If you're faint of heart and your ears virginized....i suggest you keep on moving...there's nothing to see here folks! lookie loos need not apply!

btw. i do hope the language tones down a bit but im not making any promises! after all, i'm a truck drivers daughter from detroit! what do you really expect!??

the picture ... it does not symbolize being hung like a horse, but rather the rebirth of the bullpen sans the usual horse shit!!!  Or, in other words, minus the horse-shit, empty promises and fucking lies that spew forth from certain individuals on a daily basis!!